Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Let's see what happens

I've been wanting to start a blog for a while now. I was contributing to a blog with some friends for a while but unfortunately it died a slow and painless death. It was painful to me, though, and left me with nowhere to share my random musings and banal observations; all of which are now mercilessly dumped on my spouse.

I'm also a frustrated writer. Actually, since I don't think I've had anything in print in almost 20 years, I probably can't really call myself a writer, so I suppose I'm just frustrated. Regardless, I need to write something to see if it's something I'd still like to pursue on some level, and it may as well be somewhere people might read it.

So, to start a blog...

As tempting and tedious as it sounds to create a blog all for myself, I really enjoyed the sense of community that my last bloggy collaboration provided so I've decided that I'm going to tap my network of friends from around the country to see if anyone wants to pitch in on this project. And do it anonymously. None of the people I'm planning on inviting know each other or even live in the same state. They represent a variety of gender, background, and lifestyle; and I thought it would be interesting to see what happens.

The contributors, should they choose to participate, would be encouraged to be as anonymous as they wish (or not anonymous at all). Of course the caveat is that I will know who they are, but then again, all of them know me so that seems fair enough.

So that's it. Watch this space, maybe it'll be interesting, maybe it'll just be me.

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