Wednesday, February 21, 2007

So a joke wanders into a blog...

I've don't think I've ever written a joke -- I figure it's worth a shot.

So, a toddler walks into a bar, toddles up to a stool, and climbs up to the seat.
Bartender looks at him and says "So, you want the usual?"
The toddler says "What do you mean the usual? I've never been in here before."
Bartender: "Sorry, all you babies look the same."
Toddler: "Normally I'd take offense at that, but I'm celebrating today."
Bartender: "Oh yeah, what's the occasion?"
Toddler: "Well, I don't want to brag, but I went potty all by myself."
Bartender: "That's great, I guess. So what can I get you?"
Toddler: "I'm thirsty, whatcha got on tap?"
Bartender: "Um, Coors, Bud, Miller.... the usual."
Toddler: "I don't know them, are they new?"
Bartender: "Uh, no, same beers we've always had."
The toddler says "Beers?" and looks around. "Oh," he says, getting down from the stool and turning to leave, "My bad. I thought I was at Hooters."