Monday, April 9, 2007

So there was this girl...

Back in the heady days of college, I there was this girl that I almost dated. I stayed at her apartment for a couple days after a hurricane blew some looters into my place, and we came fairly close to hooking up but she pulled back -- turned out she was pursuing some other guy at the time. A couple months later she shows up in the office of the campus newspaper I was working at, plops down in my lap and begins talking like we've been dating the whole while, when in fact we were just "Hi, bye" friends. Unfortunately (maybe) when she asks me what's new, I take the "buddy" tone and tell her about this girl I went out with on this great date with the day before. That was about it for the lap time... the conversation wrapped up and after that it was back to the casual conversation when our paths would cross.

So, fast forward 17ish years and a friend hooks me up on one of these business networking sites. I'm looking through my former classmates from the college that are on the site, and there she is. I send her an invite to join my contacts, and she accepts and sends me an email response:

Wow... How are you? … …
Anyway, so tell me what's new? I recently moved to … from … for a change of pace, but I still work for the same company. No kids yet, and no current partner at least. How about you?
So I reply:
I'm doing ok... I was in … for 8-9 years but we just moved back to … about a year and a half ago, not long after we had a baby. … is two now, and he's a great little guy.

[more detailed stuff was here... this person's doing that, that person's doing this, etc.]

Anyway, I've got to run... got a couple deadlines today, but write back and let me know what's up.

Great to hear from you, bb
So that's it. That was about three weeks ago and no response. Maybe I'm reading into it a bit, but it feels like deja vu all over again.

1 comment:

J215 said...

at least there was a bit closure.

there was a young lady that i had met online years ago. we met in person a couple times. she was cute. there was a little twinkle of attraction. shot pool, had lunch a time or two. then we got busy with school work (college). lost touch.

so about a couple years ago i logged onto IM, she was online. hadn't talked to her for 7+ years or so. she IM'ed me. the conversation went something like:

her: hey. how are you?
me: everything's cool. how've you been?!
her: fine. what have you been up to?
me: not much really; working. finally finished school after working full time [blah, blah]...i'm living in [city] now. just moved here a couple of months ago.
her: oh really? i work in [same city]. we should hook up at the Starbuck's over at ...Shopping Center.
me: i know that one. my wife and i went there the other day.


