Saturday, March 29, 2008

You're right Mr. Hand, I am on drugs

Speed, to be precise.

But don't worry, i have an Rx. it came about 25 years too late, but i finally sought professional help for my attention deficit issue -- not that i went to a shrink or anything, but i mentioned it to my pCp when i was in for a sinus infection and instead of suggesting some tests or referring me to a specialist, he scribbled something on his little white pad, tore off a sheet for me and said, "let's try this and see if it helps."

...and boy howdy, does it ever.

I mean, it helps my focus a bit, and it's certainly better than without, but the off-label benefits are the real winners. I was able to almost completely cut caffeine out of my diet, yet I have far more energy, sleep fine, exercise more, get more done at work and at home, and i have far less appetite (i almost completely forgot to eat the first day) -- I lost almost 10 pounds in the first week. Of course at about that point I picked up a flu bug and had to stop 'cause the stuff was giving more energy than i should have had while i was sick and i was overdoing it.

so, i'll be back on the juice tomorrow... look out world.

ed. note -- my left side shift key is a casualty of a toddler-safe program, so my shifting may be a bit uneven.

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